Vancity Community Foundation was founded on the belief that if we work together, we will have the resources we need to build a thriving, vibrant community.
To get there, we use and leverage financial tools, provide innovative support to non-profit organizations, and advocate for policies that help make life more affordable through our various projects including BC Rent Bank, Reaching Home, 312 Main, Living Wage Campaign for Families, Affordable Community Housing Program + Accelerator Fund, and over 240 philanthropic funds.
Along the way, we are rooted in commitments to Truth and Reconciliation, anti-racism, equity, and being in Right Relations with the land.

Our mission is to work with communities to create the economic, social, and environmental conditions to collectively thrive.

With the business acumen of the credit union and deep connections in the progressive charitable sector, we define success as building and strengthening our relationships in our community to help build a future of shared success.

Whether you are seeking support from us for your Affordable Housing Project or you would like to make a difference through a donation or bequest; we would love to connect with you so that we can build a more vibrant future together.
In 2021, members of our community donated $5,223,974 through Vancity Community Foundation.
We have $6,913,732 in total foundation assets invested directly in impact.
We granted $19.3 million to community housing projects from the Vancity Affordable Housing Accelerator Fund held at GVCAF.
Together, we distributed $34,304,832 in grants to the community.