Findings of the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver
Full Report
Full report on the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver provides new details on homelessness prior to the pandemic.
Data shows number of people experiencing homelessness changed little from 2017; however, the changes brought on by COVID-19 mean the final report may not adequately reflect regional homelessness. Indigenous people and racialized groups continue to be over-represented among those experiencing homelessness.
- Press Release: Findings of the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver (English)
- Press Release: Findings of the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver (French)
- 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver Final Data Report (PDF)
- 2020 Metro Vancouver Indigenous Homeless Count Results (PDF)
Preliminary Data
Preliminary data from the 2020 Homeless Count finds 3,634 people experiencing homelessness throughout Metro Vancouver
Seniors’ homelessness continues to increase while Indigenous people remain significantly overrepresented; additionally, racial identity data collected for the first time in a regional count reveals that Black people were found to be disproportionately represented among racialized groups experiencing homelessness.
- Press Release: Preliminary Findings of the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver
- Report: Preliminary Data Report: 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver
For more information or to schedule an interview please contact:
Sarah Payne, Content Manager
BC Non-Profit Housing Association
sarah@bcnpha.ca | 778-839-7773
The 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver took place on the night of March 3rd and throughout the day on March 4th
Governments, funders and community agencies rely on data from homeless counts to help make informed policy and program decisions. As in previous years, the goals of the 2020 Homeless Count are to obtain a reliable estimate on the number of people experiencing homelessness, to obtain a demographic profile of those individuals through the count survey, and to identify long-term data trends of homelessness in the region.
Over 1,200 individuals volunteered for the 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver, showing that as a community we are committed to actively using this data to support all efforts to end homelessness in this region. The Vancity Community Foundation, the Interim CE for Reaching Home, and the Community Advisory Board (CAB) would like to extend our sincere gratitude and appreciation to each and every volunteer for making the count possible. Whether this was your first time participating or you are a "seasoned pro", thank you for your passion, kindness and commitment.
The 2020 Homeless Count in Metro Vancouver is a community-driven initiative of the Reaching Home Designated and Indigenous Community Entity, Lu’ma Native Housing Society, in partnership with Vancity Community Foundation together with the Community Advisory Boards and the Council of Community Homelessness Tables. The count was conducted by BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA).
- Erika Sagert, Homeless Count Project Manager
BC Non-Profit Housing Association
778.945.2167 | erika@bcnpha.ca
Findings of the 2017 Homeless Count
In 2017, a total of 3,605 individuals were found experiencing homelessness in the Metro Vancouver region. More than 75% of individuals counted were found in the cities of Vancouver and Surrey, with Vancouver having the largest concentration (59%), followed by Surrey (17%). 34% of respondents identified as Indigenous/Aboriginal compared to 2% of the general population.
This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy:
With Support From
* The Homeless Count logo is provided by the Homelessness Services Association of BC (HSABC). HSABC was established through a merger of GVSS and Shelter Net BC. Its mandate is to strengthen and unify services across BC that are addressing the needs of persons experiencing homelessness.